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Celebrate National Tree Week By Learning Tree ID!

If you’ve ever wondered which trees you’re surrounded by when you wander through Milton Keynes’ parks, wonder no more!

To celebrate National Tree Week (26 November - 4 December 2022), The Parks Trust is launching a helpful new guide to local tree species, and it’s completely free.

The Parks Trust maintains and develops the parks, woodlands and lakes of Milton Keynes and is also tasked with helping local people understand the environment through educational activities for individuals, groups and schools.

The charity’s new Tree ID Guide aims to encourage everyone to learn how to identify trees then get out into the parks to find them.

The 20-page guide – available to download at – explains the vital role that trees play in supporting the health and wellbeing of the city’s residents and wildlife. It also features lots of beautiful illustrations, photography, facts, figures and inspiration for activities.

Those interested in the Tree ID Guide are encouraged to access it online if possible however, a small stock of sustainably-printed guides is available upon request for use by local schools and community groups. To request copies, email:

Sarah Griffiths, Outdoor Learning Manager at The Parks Trust, commented, “Our new Tree ID Guide is a fantastic way to learn all about the trees that live right across our green city. Today, the vital part that trees play in providing oxygen and storing CO2 is more recognised than ever. We hope our new guide inspires people to develop a deeper appreciation of the amazing trees in their local parks.”

A team of arboriculture, forestry and horticulture experts at The Parks Trust undertakes a rolling programme of landscaping across Milton Keynes, including thinning trees to remove weak, diseased or over-crowded specimens. This work plays an important part in increasing local biomass.

The charity also plants around 40,000 new trees and shrubs every year. New planting for 2022 recently saw 500 new trees going in the ground at Middleton Wood Meadow, a project supported by The Parks Trust using trees sourced by Community Trees Milton Keynes and planted by local schools.

To get involved in local tree planting, consider participating in the charity’s acorn collection scheme or volunteer with a community tree planting activity. for more information.


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