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Council funds new dementia nurses to support families

Milton Keynes Council has funded two Admiral Nurses to support families across the borough. These specialist dementia nurses from Dementia UK will provide life-changing support for families affected by all forms of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease.

Above: Cllr Emily Darlington with MK’s Admiral Nurses, Sue (left) and Debra (right)

Within the first year, the team expects to provide advice and support to more than 150 families, alongside support to carers groups.

MK’s Admiral Nurse team will help carers and families manage the complex needs of the person living with dementia. This typically means developing a personalised support plan. They can also help families navigate the range of local support and services available as well as advising other healthcare professionals.

Cllr Emily Darlington, Cabinet Member for Adults, Housing and Healthy Communities, said: “The number of people with dementia in MK will double in the next 10 years and I know how hard it is on the whole family when a loved one receives a dementia diagnosis. These specialist nurses will offer extra support for families in Milton Keynes who are struggling. Our nurses have the time to listen and the knowledge to solve problems.

If one of your loved ones has dementia and you would like this support, please get in touch and our nurses will help you get the help your family needs.”

The Admiral Nurse team will work alongside the Council commissioned Dementia Information and Support Service which is staffed by trained dementia support workers who offer help to residents including those who are newly diagnosed.

Admiral Nurses can be contacted for information and advice by email at

You can also speak to our Admiral Nurses by calling 01908 253 772.


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