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MK Council’s Bin Blitz - The take down of dozens of bins across CMK

The project is part of a Lib Dem and Labour backed drive to install solar panel ‘smart’ bins across MK.

But in a meeting of the Regeneration committee, it was confirmed by officers that for every 1 solar panel bin, up to 15 old bins would be taken down.

The decision will supposedly help manage resources better but Conservative Councillors are expecting it to just add to the cities litter problem.

15 solar panel bins have been installed in CMK, and following a Lib Dem amendment funding is available for a further 50 bins that will be rolled out this year, and there’s a particular focus on the project being installed in regeneration areas.

Leader of the Conservative Group Cllr Alex Walker said: “With fly-tipping and litter out of control as it is, I’m a total lost to the idea of removing bins.

“Solar bins may be very smart, but it can’t make litter walk to them. There will be less bins where people walk, therefore there will be more litter. Location is everything when it comes to tackling litter.

“When we speak to residents, they want more bins in their communities not less. Where this has been used elsewhere in the country it has been an excuse for cutting resources, this seems to be yet another bizarre waste decision from a Labour Cabinet that has lost its grip on litter.”


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