Half of all adults in the UK have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, the latest figures show. This includes an incredible 93% of over 60s vaccinated in Milton Keynes and nearly 100,000 jabs completed in MK alone.

The UK has now vaccinated a total of 26.8 million people and the world-leading vaccination programme is continuing to pick up pace with the UK on track to achieve the Prime Minister’s target of offering the vaccine to all over-50s by 15th April, as well as all adults by the end of July.
The local Conservatives are encouraging residents in MK to get their jab when called to do so, stating the importance of every jab in reducing infection levels and saving lives.
Data released today from a U.S. trial of the Oxford-AstraZenaca Covid vaccine has confirmed that the jab is both safe and highly effective. There were also no safety issues regarding blood clots.
Joseph Hearnshaw, a scientist from MK that has worked on COVID-19 research and alongside those involved in the vaccine development, is standing for Council in this May’s local election and is keen to highlight the safety of the jabs. He said:
“Firstly, I want to thank the scientists, the NHS and all the volunteers involved for their tireless work in rolling out the vaccine. Their work is making sure that infection levels decline and lives are saved.
“Having worked alongside scientists involved in the vaccine, I can testify to the fact that these vaccines are safe and effective and I implore residents to get their jab, when they get the opportunity to.”
Cllr Alice Jenkins, Chair of the Council’s Health and Adult Social Care Committee, said: “I would like to thank everybody involved in our amazing vaccination programme, from the NHS staff to the volunteers and so many more, for their dedication and commitment to protecting the most vulnerable and saving lives.
“We’re urging residents to make sure they go and receive their jab when they’re contacted to do so or seek out an appointment if they fit the criteria and haven’t yet received any contact.
“The vaccination rollout will allow us to reopen MK in a safe way, and final get our local economy up and running.”