Wasteful Milton Keynes Council has awarded a contract of £255,000 to design a new website.

It means the Labour & Lib Dem controlled Council will spend around the same on the new website than is planned on pest control, playground repairs, improvements to MK library and street sign replacements combined in the upcoming budget.
And worst still, the cost for the website is 5 times what the children mental service ‘YIS’ will receive from the Council this year.
Opposition Conservative Cllrs have accused Milton Keynes Council of wasteful spending and pursuing PR priorities rather than the needs of residents.
The contract for the new website was awarded to Webcurl Limited, a company based in Oxfordshire. The total value awarded was £255,600.
It has also emerged in an email recently sent out to Council staff and Councillors, that many existing web pages may no longer work once the new website is up and running.
The large contract award comes despite the Council’s existing website being recognised nationally in recent years.
Conservative Group Leader Cllr Alex Walker said:
“I’m amazed at a time Labour and Lib Dem Cllrs are forcing an extra £60 a year on Council Tax bills, they think it’s a good idea to splash more than a quarter of a million pounds on a new website.
“This is yet another example of how they would rather look good than actually deliver for the residents of MK. They’ve spent over £11million refurbishing the Council offices and now they’ve splashed £250,000 on a new website.
“It’s time we had a Council that just delivered on the things that matter: mental health support, weekly collections, pothole repairs and keeping our streets clean.”