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MK Hospital - Change to face mask guidance

From Monday 30 May, members of the public were no longer required to wear surgical masks in non-clinical areas on the hospital site.

The easing of mask requirements is in line with updated government guidance as part of the Living with COVID-19 plans and are introduced as the number of COVID-19 cases at the Trust, both in patients and staff, remain low.

There will be no requirement to wear surgical face masks in any non-clinical area. This includes:

Hospital corridors

Reception areas

Waiting areas

The Eaglestone Restaurant and outlets in the main entrance

We will continue to ask visitors and outpatients to wear a mask or face covering (unless exempt) in clinical areas and wards. This is because they will be in close contact with clinical teams and in areas where there are patients with compromised immune systems.

Should members of the public wish to continue to wear a mask or face covering in non-clinical areas, they are welcome to do so and will be fully supported with adequate supplies still available in these areas.

Thank you for your cooperation. We will keep this change under constant review and will update staff should any of the guidance change.


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