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MK Theatre Panto Goers raise A Whopping Total for Local Cancer Charity The Henry Allen Trust

During the run of Jack and the Beanstalk at Milton Keynes Theatre, audiences raised a staggering total of £17,732.93 for local children’s cancer charity, The Henry Allen Trust.

The Henry Allen Trust was set up in 2014 by Henry Allen’s parents who were inspired by their son’s bravery while facing a rare cancer. Before Henry so sadly passed away, he made his mummy and daddy “pinkie promise” to follow his dream – helping other children and their families create memories and fulfil wishes. The charity is still working hard to fulfil Henry’s wish and support children, teens, young adults and their families battling childhood cancers.

Dawn Allen, Henry’s mother and Director and Founder of the trust said “As a small charity this was a truly amazing opportunity and one which Henry’s Mummy and Daddy along with the incredible army of volunteers known as Team Henry will never, ever forget. Team Henry had an absolute blast meeting the audience after the shows and raising awareness of childhood cancers and vital pennies so urgently needed to continue our invaluable work in MK and Beyond.”

The Henry Allen Trust do not receive any government funding and have been hit hard by the pandemic as fundraising halted. Despite this, the charity has continued to deliver all of their services. The funds raised will be used to fund various services and activities including care packages, monthly support groups and arts and crafts for Oncology wards as well as funding well-being councillors and nurse oncology courses.

Jack and the Beanstalk, produced by Crossroads Pantomime’s, was seen by over 60,000 audience members this festive period, and received roaring reviews from audiences and critics. Panto will return again in December 2022 with Snow White and the Seven Dwarves set to entertain the masses once more at Milton Keynes Theatre.

For more information about The Henry Allen Trust, please visit their website:

To book for Snow White and the Seven Dwarves at Milton Keynes Theatre from Sat 10 Dec 2022 - Sun 8 Jan 2023, visit ATGTICKETS.COM/MiltonKeynes


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