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Progressive Alliance Announces Plan to Tackle Child Poverty & Support Children in MK

Milton Keynes Council’s Progressive Alliance of Labour and the Liberal Democrats has announced their plan for tackling child poverty and supporting children and young people.

The Council Plan, due to be approved at a meeting of the Full Council next week [16/06], has 5 key priorities for the Alliance, including fighting child poverty and supporting the city’s children and young people.

Plans include setting up 5 new community larders, introducing a pilot childcare deposit scheme and launching a modern youth service, with the ultimate goal of reducing child poverty by 20% by 2025.

The Council will fight for a good school place for every child, appropriate levels of Special Educational Needs provision and support for looked after children and care leavers. There are also plans to deliver a Summer of Play, and to support catch up clubs to help children and young people catch up with their learning and social skills.

Councillor Jane Carr, Liberal Democrat Progressive Alliance Cabinet Member for Tackling Inequalities and Child Poverty said: “One child living in poverty is one child too many. Through this Plan, the Progressive Alliance is putting party politics aside to make sure we reduce child poverty in Milton Keynes.”

Councillor Zoe Nolan, Labour Progressive Alliance Cabinet Member for Children and Families, said: “Every child deserves a good education and a good start in life, and our Council Plan will help this become a reality in our borough.”


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