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Progressive Alliance Building Better Communities Across MK

MK’s Progressive Alliance sets out its plans for building better communities across the city in its new Council Plan.

The Labour and Liberal Democrat Progressive Alliance is delivering healthier, safer and more affordable communities across MK by investing in our infrastructure, standing up to developers and building more council homes.

The Council Plan published last week sets out the most ambitious council home building programme since the days of the Development Corporation that will also create jobs and opportunities for local supply chains.

The Plan also outlines plans to take back control from developers by banning poor quality office conversions, enforcing affordable housing measures with developers and opposing the government’s Planning White Paper which strips local comments on planning applications.

MK will become a healthier city by leading the way in becoming a Dementia Friendly City and developing a multi-agency Health Inequalities Improvement Plan for Renewal Estates by the end of 2021, including a pilot scheme on the Lakes Estate. The Progressive Alliance will continue to lobby government to ensure that MK has the GPs, dentists and an expanded MK University Hospital to meet the needs of our growing City.

Councillor Emily Darlington, Labour Progressive Alliance Cabinet Member for Adults, Housing and Healthy Communities said:

“As we emerge from the COVID-19 crisis we are focussed on building better communities across MK with the most ambitious council housing building programme since MK Development Corporation days which will also deliver work and opportunities for local builders.

She continued:

“There are some really exciting health and housing commitment and local community projects in the Council Plan to improve the lives of residents in Milton Keynes, and I’m delighted that the Progressive Alliance will be able to put people before politics and take these forward for everyone’s benefit”

Councillor Jane Carr, Liberal Democrat Progressive Alliance Cabinet Member for Tacking Inequalities and Child Poverty added:

“Ensuring that everyone in Milton Keynes can live in an affordable home, in a safe community with access to all of the health care that they and their family need is a priority. These commitments to Building Better Communities will enable us to work towards this aim and reduce inequalities across MK.”


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