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TVP Milton Keynes attend Brooklands School to launch crime prevention initiative

PC Taylor, PC Ormston and PC Groves attended Brooklands Farm Primary School in Countess Way, Brooklands today to show them a video called PC Ben which is a story written and illustrated by PCSO David Bullock as the basis of an engagement / crime prevention initiative in schools.

The objective is to build trust between young children and the police by influencing their perception of us and using a story is an effective way to do this.

The lesson material has been developed as a toolkit for the neighbourhood officers to use to help them get to know their local schools, the staff, the pupils and to begin some early relationship building.

TVP MK know that by building trust, explaining what the police do, making children feel safe and comfortable around police, then it helps create positive relationships in the future.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the video and TVP MK loved presenting it and following the positive feedback and engagement with the children.

TVP Milton Keynes plan to roll the initiative out to all the primary schools in Milton Keynes over the next few weeks.

Great work TVP, we absolutely love this initiative. It will definitely make a difference!


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