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UK Astronomy - Charity Focus MK with MK Charities

Today we focus UK Astronomy, another amazing charity in Milton Keynes.

Who are UK Astronomy?

It all started when one man went to his local field, Emberton Sports and Social Club to watch the night sky and see if he could find others to join him. Shortly after a few trips, a staff member from the club approached him and invited him in for a coffee and cake. The question popped “Why don’t you do a presentation here?” and that’s where the story of Ross Hockham and the UK Astronomy begins. On UK Astronomy’s website, you will come across the phrase ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again’, why? Ross started his journey on a bumpy road, his first ever presentation, it was just him and his coffee. His second presentation... The same. Third and fourth there was a storm so no attendees due to this, Ross did not give up. On his fifth event, he finally had attendees. “Why not just make a Facebook Group?” Frankie, his wife questioned. Little did he know, 6 years later he would have a community of 19.5k members and registered as an official charity that educates and inspires young people and above our night sky through their presentations and events. YOU ARE INVITED, to join UK Astronomy in April for their UK Astronomy Festival. From 1st to 30th April 2021, national charity UK Astronomy will be hosting its first ever Online Astronomy Festival. We will be joined by a host of guest speakers including Nasa Solar System Ambassador Janelle Harrier-Wilson, Astro photographer Wil Cheung from Wil Photography, author of sky guides Richard Bartlett, Mark Taylor from TGP Nominal, UK Astronomy youngest volunteer 8-year-old Aston Smith will also be running a session, and even more guest speakers to be confirmed. To see a full list of the festival line up please visit:

Thankyou to MK Charities for the heads up on UK Astronomy, great work!


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