Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses after a woman was robbed in Wolverton, Milton Keynes.

Between 7.45am and 8am on Tuesday (13/9), the victim, a woman aged in her thirties, was walking along a path at the bottom of Marron Lane, Wolverton towards the recreation ground.
As she approached the cut-through into the recreation ground, the offender approached her and asked for the time.
The offender than asked the victim if she had any money and demanded her purse.
While making this demand, he produced a small kitchen knife with an approximately 6 inch long blade.
The victim gave the offender her purse and the offender than ran off, possibly down Woburn Avenue back into Wolverton.
The purse was black and has a “New Look” logo inside. There were two credit cards, a driver’s licence, store cards and a small amount of coinage in the purse.
The offender is described as a white man, more than 6ft 2ins tall and of a slim build.
He was wearing a black hooded top with a black body warmer over the top and black Nike jogging bottoms. He was also wearing black trainers, also Nike.
The offender is described as being aged between 30 and 40-years-old and spoke with a local accent with a deep voice.
He had brown coloured stubble on his face and blue eyes, possibly with a mole on his cheek, beside his nose on the right hand side.
Police Staff Investigator Charles Cox, based at Milton Keynes police station, said: “This was a distressing incident for the victim, who, although very shaken, was thankfully not injured.
“I am appealing to anybody who believes that they witnessed this incident to please contact Thames Valley Police. You can do so either by calling 101 or by making a report online, quoting reference number 43220411975.
“You can also provide information to us via a dedicated portal by visiting where you can upload any digital evidence that you may have, dash-cam, CCTV or mobile phone footage or pictures.
“Alternatively, for 100% anonymity, you can also call the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”