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Ben Everitt MP Praises Police For Action On Illegal Encampment But Questions Sluggish Council

Ben Everitt, the MP for Milton Keynes North, congratulated Thames Valley Police on their swift operation on Monday to move on the illegal encampment at Oakgrove School, but questioned MK Council’s sluggish response.

Oakgrove School was forced to close on Monday due to an unauthorised encampment on its fields and as soon as the local MP was made aware he was on the phone to the police and the school. By the afternoon specialist vehicles and teams were on site to move the encampment on.

In a meeting with the Force’s Chief Constable on Friday (15th July) Ben raised questions with the force about why action had not been taken quicker considering Milton Keynes Council were first made aware of the encampment on Friday.

Ben Everitt MP said: “I will always back our police and I want to thank them for acting so swiftly on the illegal encampment after I got in touch with them on Monday.

“I did raise the issue around why nothing had been done over the weekend when Milton Keynes Council were originally made aware on Friday.

“I hope the Labour-Lib Dem Council can now see why it was disappointing their MPs voted against tougher measures on illegal encampments.”


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