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Bleed Control Kits installed in sports facilities

Bletchley Leisure Centre and Tattenhoe Sports Pavilion are now home to life-saving bleed control kits thanks to a local collaboration between InspireAll Leisure and Family Support Services and Conservative Cllr James Lancaster.

The small bags cost £96 each and contain pressure bandages, tourniquets, a chest seal dressing and other medical equipment that can stop stab victims from bleeding to death.

The campaign, originally launched by the family of Jay Fathers, an 18-year-old man who was a victim of knife crime, has seen a boost in venues and facilities in MK installing the bleed-control kits.

The Conservatives have been supporting the campaign for venues across the borough to deliver more bleed control kits.

Recently, MK has seen a spate of knife crimes that has caused concerns in local communities. There have been 4 victims from fatal knife-related incidents since the turn of the year.

Cllr James Lancaster said:

“It’s great to see more facilities in Milton Keynes install these life-saving kits. You never know when they will be of use so it’s good to have them around to save a life if needed.

We know they’re not the answer to knife crime but saving a life is always worth it.”

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