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Community-Centred Renewable Energy Backed by Progressive Alliance

The Labour/Lib Dem Progressive Alliance will be bringing a motion to the Full Council, urging Milton Keynes South MP Iain Stewart to back the Local Electricity Bill.

If made law, the bill would allow local communities, businesses and organisations who generate their own renewable electricity to sell it to local people.

Currently there are substantial financial costs involved in selling locally generated renewable electricity, but the bill would establish a Right to Local Supply which would make the setup and running costs of selling renewable electricity to local people proportionate to the size of the supply company.

Iain Stewart MP has not yet expressed support for the bill.

Liberal Democrat Councillor Robin Bradburn will move the motion: “Local generators of renewable electricity should be able to sell their energy to local people.”

“Not only does local renewable electricity help the transition to clean energy, but it also has huge economic benefits; the energy sold would go back into local economies, and jobs would be created at the same time.”

Labour Councillor Jenny Wilson-Marklew, Cabinet Member for Climate Action and Sustainability, will second the motion: “Community needs to be at the heart of tackling the climate crisis, and this bill is asking for exactly that.”

“If this bill becomes law, local communities, economies and the environment would all benefit, and I hope our MP Iain Stewart would support it.”

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