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Conservatives Would Introduce Waste Amnesty to Stop Surge in fly-Tipping if in control

Local Conservatives have announced they would look at introducing a waste amnesty to tackle the rapid rise in fly-tipping and litter in MK.

The plans would see the Council potentially waive the bulky collection charge, introduce free community skips, undertake litter picks and street cleaning in a particular area over a period of a few days. Essentially an annual deep clean for estates in MK.

Incidents of fly-tipping are on the climb in MK with 500 reports of fly-tipping occurring every month, a 16% increase compared to the last year.

In a recent survey about the leading concerns of residents in MK, fly-tipping and dumped rubbish topped burglary, vehicle crime and knife crime.

The local Conservatives have pledged to “start a war on fly-tipping and litter” if they successfully take control of the Council in May’s election. They say that the by introducing a waste amnesty, they can encourage people to dispose of their waste legally and protect green spaces.

They have already outlined plans to scrap the Labour-run Council’s current booking system for rubbish tips and introduce mobile-CCTV units to support enforcement against fly-tippers.

Cllr Alex Walker, the Leader of the Conservative Council Group, said:

“Residents are rightly concerned about the negative and detrimental effect that fly-tipping and litter is having on our local estates and our green spaces.

“There is absolutely no excuse to fly-tip and enforcement is essential. But, we also need to recognise that putting up barriers to waste disposal doesn’t help.

“Waste amnesties have been successfully carried out elsewhere in the country, some of our Parish Councils have done something similar, and it’s something we are keen to explore as another tool in our fight against litter.

“In addition to our plans to remove the tip booking system and invest in surveillance and enforcement measures, a waste amnesty would be a great way of supporting communities who want to tidy up their areas.”


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