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Council to decide future of The Gables and Mellish Court

MK Council is due to make a formal decision to demolish two ageing tower blocks and replacing them with new homes.

In a recent consultation, tenants and leaseholders of Mellish Court and The Gables showed a strong preference for the two buildings to be demolished and replaced. The decision set for 9 March will allow the council to hire architects to develop proposals and begin the consultation with residents on the options. The community will be consulted before any plans are progressed.

MK Council is currently supporting tenants from both blocks to move to homes that meet their needs.

Cabinet member responsible for council housing, Cllr Emily Darlington said: “I’d like to thank the residents for their contributions to the consultation. This decision will enable us to move away from these old buildings and replace them with new homes that better meet people’s needs.

“Many residents have already moved into their new homes and we are working with the others to find them a place that is right for them. We will continue our conversations with local people about what matters to them as we take the plans forward.”

Last year MKC assessments showed that the two tower blocks do not meet the modern fire safety standards now expected. The Council has been working closely with Bucks Fire & Rescue Service and immediately implemented a 24/7 warden service at each building as a precautionary measure.


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