A local councillor revealed he will be quitting smoking after a cross-party decision was made to discourage smoking outside schools.
Councillor Paul Trendall, Liberal Democrat Cabinet Member for Customer Services, moved a successful motion at Full Council on Wednesday, asking for signage outside schools urging parents and carers not to smoke within 20 metres of school gates or other entrances/exits.
He announced that if all councillors supported the motion, he would quit smoking once and for all.
Councillor Trendall said: “I am pleased that all parties came together to protect children and young people, as this is at the heart of our Council Plan.
“I had my final cigarette on Wednesday night and hope that this pledge sends a strong message. It is our duty to protect our younger residents, and adults not smoking outside schools sets a good example.”
The Cabinet will now consider using the Council’s influence to persuade academies to also put up signage.
Labour Councillor Zoe Nolan, Labour Cabinet Member for Children and Families, seconded the motion: “Our Progressive Alliance wants Milton Keynes to be a place where people live long lives in healthy communities, and where our children are protected from harm.
“Unfortunately, smoking and passive smoking puts our residents at risk, but I’m proud that the Council voted to take even more action to protect the children and young people of Milton Keynes. We’re all rooting for Cllr Trendall and wish him the best of luck in quitting smoking!”