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Family release tribute to fatal road traffic collision victim – Stony Stratford

The family of Jake Pedley, aged 18, who sadly died following a road traffic collision on Queen Eleanor Street in Stony Stratford on 19 July, have released the following tribute to him:

Jake had time for everyone, we knew this, but it has been emphasised so much more in the recent gatherings of those near and dear to him.

He had the love and support of four parents, a sister, two brothers and a fur-baby


Jake wasn’t scared to speak his mind, you knew what he was thinking, he’d stick up for others, give support and share compliments.

He always made time for people he knew and in some cases strangers too.

Previously coming across struggling strangers who required help. One time he asked for £2 so he could buy a homeless chap a Happy Meal, to a fellow motorbiker who had broken down alone.

He wouldn’t hesitate to jump in the car to see Granny Birmingham in her care home and would listen contently to her, loving his Pops’ stories of how he grew up in London or a chat with someone he’d just met on a train.

He always made time for family gatherings and attended events that were important to us and him.

Remembrance Sunday, he always made time, either to come to the parade in Northampton town and often in the rain or at Blenheim Palace, ensuring no one is forgotten.

He had a huge, eclectic mix of friends. And it’s only recently that we have heard the stories and learnt just how he helped them out of really dark places, how he supported them, simply just to be there, listen or share his debit card for a beer or petrol – (not in the same setting!)

He even set up a donation page so friends and family could donate to an important cause instead of asking for birthday gifts for himself.

After a night on the town, one morning we learnt he’d offered the spare room to a bunch of friends who missed their bus home. After making them coffees, we drove them home, listening to their tunes and chat about the most surprising topics. From the events of the night to discussing investments as J had just been gifted some birthday money, unexpected conversations and being in the car surrounded by their friendship was so enjoyable.

As soon as he could, Jake worked, as he knew life does not come free. At one point, he worked two jobs over seven days.

He was keen to be independent.

The day he received his offer as an apprentice at the Aston Martin F1 team, I’d never heard so many swear words of excitement in one conversation. We were bursting with pride when we learnt he secured a role.

To show their love and appreciation and as a tribute to Jake, Aston Martin F1 ensured his name appeared on its car for the French GP, AMR22.

They invited us in to see his workplace where they spoke of the fun he brought and the passion for his work, whilst fighting back their tears.

Our hearts are just bursting with pride, our beautiful son. Such incredible uplifting stories.

Jake really did live life to the max, always our petrol head and water baby.

Jake jet skied before he could walk and rode a quad, to a water baby loving snorkelling then scuba diving, but it wasn’t just water sports. Jake enjoyed adrenaline sports from Go karting to motorbikes and snowboarding too.

His passion for music and living was immense for an 18-year-old. And he saw and experienced so much from seeing the Northern lights, to bringing friends together at Reading Festival.

Whilst loving a bit of Phineas and Ferb and The Big Bang Theory with Stitch being hugged.

We miss cuddling into you. Where you’d pat our head, as you’d got so tall.

The summer days, you’d put the car heated seat on – the little jokes.

We miss our day-to-day conflabs and sharing our perspectives.

We miss our music share swaps.

We miss the days giving you a ride and having that time.

We miss you at the dining table.

We miss the calls asking for that loan… that never gets paid back.

The list goes on…

Our little boy became a young, generous, caring, loving, funny, independent, strong man.

Jake could not have made us any more proud.

Our hearts are filled with nothing but love and immense pride for Jake. A tear will roll and an air punch is thrown, but we are grateful we got to know you, Jake, and one day you can show us what you’ve been up to.

But in-between time, keep showing us the Rainbows, the Feathers, the Robins, the music– the signs… because we know your body maybe sleeping but your soul and heart still lives with us.

We would like to thank everyone for their kind words and giving us strength, and the emergency services for their continuous support through the last few months.

Our thoughts also go to those who witnessed and helped best they could on the evening.

Jake was a loving and caring young man and he will be missed by all of his family and friends.


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