At the end of May, The Parks Trust held a celebration event for the completion of Middleton Wood Meadow, a tree planting scheme which saw over 5,000 trees and shrubs planted creating an amazing new green space in Middleton.

Beginning in 2021, The Parks Trust commenced this joint 5-year project with Community Trees: MK, and Broughton and Milton Keynes Parish Council to enhance an area of Middleton Park, improving the habitat for wildlife by creating a woodland meadow.
The project included the planting of over 5,000 native trees and shrubs, the development of native wildflower areas, the building of a pond and the creation of paths for easy access. Now that the project is complete The Parks Trust will continue to care for the trees for decades to come. As the trees develop and mature, they will benefit wildlife and provide enjoyment for future generations.
Since the beginning of the project, plants sourced by Community Trees:MK from OVO Energy ‘I Dig Trees', The Woodland Trust’s nationwide planting initiatives and The International Tree Foundation have been planted by students from local schools, The Parks Trust Youth Rangers, volunteers, and local families.
In November 2021, The Parks Trust welcomed the HM Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, The Countess Howe, together with The High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, George Anson Esq and Mayor of Milton Keynes, Councillor Mohammed Khan, who each planted a tree and officially proclaimed the planting as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy. This was alongside the planting of 50 trees by Giffard Park primary students.
Today 5,610 trees have been planted at Middleton Wood Meadow. Over 2,480 of these have been planted with the help of over 800 local school children. The Parks Trust have also built beetle and bug banks and carried out maintenance and mulching of the area with schools and home educator groups.
To find out more about Middleton Wood Meadow watch the video or visit The Parks Trust website to see which schools that have contributed to this project.