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Labour Council Slammed By Conservatives For Doubling CMK Parking Charges

Conservative councillors have slammed the Labour-Liberal Democrat led Milton Keynes City Council for DOUBLING the minimum parking costs in Central Milton Keynes.

As of now you can park in a purple ‘standard rate’ parking space for a minimum of one hour

and be charged 50p, but the Labour-run administration is scrapping one hour stays meaning

the minimum stay will be two hours for £1.

The local Conservative Party in Milton Keynes has long campaigned for better parking for MK’s

shoppers, including calling for a two hours free parking scheme to boost footfall, but this has

always been rejected by Labour leader Cllr Pete Marland.

The changes are expected to be made in February 2024, despite forecasts showing the council

is set to make £10.25 million from parking charges in 2023/24.

Cllr Liam Andrews, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group on MK Council and the Shadow

Public Realm Spokesperson, commented: “I’m extremely disappointed, but not surprised, by

the Labour-led council’s decision to hike costs for the working people of Milton Keynes.

“Shopping habits are continuously changing and now if you just need to pop into the centre

for half an hour to pick up an order you’ll be paying double what you would have paid before.

“Instead of supporting and boosting the local economy in the aftermath of a cost of living crisis

caused by the pandemic and Putin’s war in Ukraine, the Labour leadership in MK is increasing

charges for local people.

“That is the cost of Labour.”

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