The Labour Party is today calling for a campaign across Milton Keynes to defeat Conservative plans for a Developers’ Charter, which would prevent local residents from objecting to developers’ plans to build slums, eyesores, or any other form of inappropriate new buildings on their streets, in their communities or on treasured public spaces.

The move comes as Labour’s Shadow Communities and Local Government Secretary Steve Reed has written to every councillor in the country asking them to unite against the proposals.
Making the call, Council Leader Cllr Pete Marland said,
“We have to build more homes – but we’ve got to do it the right way, and local communities have got to have a voice in planning decisions.
“People in Milton Keynes must not lose their right to a fair say over new developments in our streets, our communities and on our playgrounds, parks and fields. Yet that’s exactly what this Conservative Government is planning. No one in MK wants this Developers’ Charter. As representatives of this community all councillors can surely unite to oppose these dreadful changes.
“It’s yet another clear example of where our Conservative MPs and councillors say one thing, but do another. There is a chance for us to put politics to one side, unite, get the government to withdraw their plans and for Milton Keynes to say no to the Developers’ Charter.”
Labour’s Shadow Communities and Local Government Secretary Steve Reed has sent the following letter to all councillors in MK.
The Government has published highly controversial proposals to reform the planning system. One aspect that has raised particular concern is the proposal to remove local residents’ right to object to individual planning applications in their own neighbourhood if the area is zoned for growth or renewal.
Last week, the House of Commons called on the Government to protect residents’ right to retain a voice over planning applications, recognizing that the best way to get necessary new homes built is to support communities, councils and developers to work in partnership.
I attach a copy of the motion passed by the House of Commons with support from MPs of all political parties. I urge you to ask your council to pass the same motion so we can show widespread support for the principle of protecting residents’ right to a say over individual planning applications in their own area. Many local people have already expressed anger that this long-established democratic right is under threat.
Please let me know if you intend to ask your council to support the motion. I would also welcome other views you may have on the proposed planning reforms and your ideas for how we can best protect the voice of local people and their elected councillors over planning decisions.
Yours sincerely,
Steve Reed MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government