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Labour pledges new, modern youth service

MK Labour have pledged to increase services for young people as part of their election campaign.

Labour are promising to look at how youth services are delivered across Milton Keynes and give young people, particularly teenagers, places to go when not in school.

The new youth service will look to work with partners across the charity, social enterprise and business sectors, as well as education providers, parish councils and use existing council facilities to provide services to not only offer recreational activities but also provide opportunities to help young people into training or jobs, and give all young people in Milton Keynes the ability to fulfil their potential.

Labour believe that improving services for young people will also help in the fight against knife crime in the city.

The pledge forms part of MK Labour’s “Promise to Families,” in how they will transform Milton Keynes Council services to support children, young people and families as we slowly emerge from the pandemic.

Cllr Lauren Townsend, Cabinet Member for Community Safety said:

“A Labour-led MK Council will deliver a new, modern youth service for our children and young people. Youth services are some of the services that have been hardest hit but austerity and cuts, but that isn’t fair, and as we come out of the pandemic we need to make sure that another generation of young people doesn’t pay the price. Too often our young people are marginalised, ignored or vilified.”

Akash Nayee, Labour campaigner in Stony Stratford said continued:

“I want to live in a Milton Keynes where the council fights to make sure every child and young person can fulfil their potential. A new youth service that brings together partners to make that happens and gives teenagers something positive to do is a great idea, and using facilities such as Galley Hill Community Centre, that’s just secured nearly £400,000 of investment from the Labour Council to bring it back into use, would be amazing.”

Cllr Townsend concluded:

“Our Promise to Families is that we won’t let our young people or local families pay the price for the pandemic. A new youth service that supports our young people, provides opportunities and gives people hope in tough times will help ensure that doesn’t happen.”

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