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Launch Of Young Adults Support Group

Harry’s Rainbow support children and young people bereaved of a parent or sibling in the Milton Keynes and surrounding areas.

Our core service is to provide facilitated contact within group settings which was typically for children and teenagers at our Rainbow groups. During the pandemic we found that young adults were keen to meet online and plan the next phase of our facilitated groups to meet the needs of the 16-25’s.

We are now proud to announce that the first group will be held on Monday 19th July at The Green Elephant café, CMK, where any young adult aged 16-25 years bereaved of a parent or sibling at any time throughout their lives, can attend and meet with peers over a drink and a cake.

The group will be facilitated by the Family Liaison Officer of Harry’s Rainbow supported by the Youth ambassador, CEO and representatives from YiS.

With special thanks to The Green Elephant café for hosting us.

For further information please take a look at our flyer and website or send us an email.


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