School is out, but you don't need to worry about how to keep little minds occupied this February half term - Milton Keynes Museum is coming to the rescue!
The Museum is always a great place to visit, and the new city's living history hub will be offering lots of great activities to fill the lesson lull, including lego play.
Extraordinary science experiments will wow, with the emphasis placed firmly on hands-on activities. Electric circuits, forces and friction and fun all the way!
There will be children's crafts to get stuck into as well, and the weather won't stop play, with the Museum hosting all its sessions inside.
Half term week boasts something for everyone, and as the Museum continues its exciting A Museum for a New City project, supplementary activities will also feature.
“We are really excited to have Little City joining us on Monday and Tuesday. The hugely popular role play team and their toys and equipment really spark imaginations,” said Surbhi Bhambri, MK Museum education and outreach officer.
“We will be using their set up to explore the ideas of a grid and what is needed in a city – through the eyes of youngsters up to the age of seven. We are gearing up for a great week!”
From sending morse code, to making and then enjoying hot buttered toast over the range in the traditional farmhouse kitchen, and dialling delight in the fun Connected Earth Gallery, there is plenty for all ages to get stuck into.
Should anyone be missing school, they can step up for a lesson the way things used to be, in the Victorian school room. Without the cane, though, obviously!
Always fancied being a perfect pianist? Show off your skills on the ever-popular pianola, which makes anyone sound like an ace on the keys!
For guaranteed fun, treat the kids - and yourselves – to some time at Milton Keynes Museum this half term.
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