Each year local parish and town councils can apply for up to £20,000 to match fund a community project.
The Community Infrastructure Fund (CIF) is a total of £100k per year and helps parishes to deliver projects that they would not be able to fund otherwise.
22 parish councils applied to the 2022-23 fund with a total of 28 projects.
Each application is scored based on different criteria such as whether the project solves an existing problem, what benefits will it bring to the community and has there been consultation with residents.
All projects must be in the ‘public realm’ which includes highways, open spaces and play areas.
The schemes that will be funded from the CIF 22/23 will be as per the image below.
Councillor Lauren Townsend, Cabinet Member for Public Realm said, ‘I’m delighted that MK Council is able to continue funding local parish projects each year through the CIF’.
‘Since this fund started, we’ve helped parishes to deliver a wide range of projects from new play areas and outdoor gyms to road safety schemes and signage’.
‘This fund is a great way for local communities to let their parish council know what they would like in their area, solve a long-standing issue or just provide new facilities in their local park.’
The application process to the CIF 23/24 will start from summer 2022 and details on how to apply will be sent to all 48 parish, community and town councils shortly.