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Mayor Bids Farewell at free-to-enter shared exhibition - MK Gallery

Living Archive General manager, Mel Jeavons, pictured here with the now previous Mayor of MK Andrew Geary, at the opening of the free-to-enter shared exhibition in the Project Space at MK Gallery!⁠

Doorstep Diaries MK is a photography project by Stace Photography, a Milton Keynes-based photography company.

The project was an open call to households across Milton Keynes to have their photograph taken on their doorstep, free of charge, during the national lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.⁠

The exhibition also features The Living Archives new film, sharing the stories of MK residents during Lockdown 1.

It’s a compilation of interviews and film extracts taken from our Lockdown Lives MK project. If you’d like to contribute your story to this ongoing project please email⁠

Lockdown Lives MK has been supported by funding from MK Community Foundation.⁠

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