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MK Labour pledges summer of play

MK Labour have pledged that if they win the upcoming local elections they will fund a “summer of play,” in MK for children and young people.

After 12 months of Covid-19 restrictions there is currently optimism that life may start to return to normal over the summer. After spending almost a year not being able to see friends or family, concerns have been expressed that it may take a significant period of time for children and young people to adapt to the new normal.

Labour are pledging that over the summer, if restrictions allow, they will fund activities for children and young people including play, physical activity and sports to help children re-socialise and enjoy the first free summer after lockdown.

The Labour “Promise to Families,” also includes a pledge that Labour-run MK Council would help fund access to homework clubs for children from low income backgrounds to help catch-up on any missed learning.

Cllr Zoe Nolan, Cabinet Member Children and Families said:

“A Labour-run council will not allow young people to pay the price for the pandemic. We want our children and young people to be happy.”

Cllr Nolan continued:

“We want children and young people to be fit and healthy. It will take time for many children to readjust after the pandemic. Making sure all children have access to outdoor activity over the summer is vital to mental and physical health. Making sure parents know that their children will be able to access good quality activities and socialise with their friends is really important. It’s also vital that we support all children to fulfil their potential, and so we will also promise to fund access to homework clubs for all children so they can catch up on any education they may have missed, starting in the new school year in September.

Cllr Nolan concluded:

“Our Promise to Families is we will help all our children and young people fulfil their potential, and that starts with ensuring that the summer is spent catching up on outdoor activity such as play, physical activity and sport. MK Labour will fund a Summer of Play for all our children.”


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