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MK Police continue to deal with ongoing issues with begging in Oldbrook

Thames Valley Police MK have been continuing to robustly deal with the ongoing issues with begging outside Lidl and Tesco Oldbrook.

TVP MK took to their social media channels to make the community aware of the work they are doing surrounding the issues stores and customers are being faced with.

Officers from the Campbell Park South neighbourhood team have been busy gathering evidence around this issue.

They said on Facebook, ''We are pleased to say we have managed to issue five Community Protection Warnings (CPWS) and we've issued two Community Protection Notices (CPNS). We have also done some safeguarding referrals due to concerns around their mental health and wellbeing.

Working in partnership with the retailers the charity shop area has been cleared up and is free from rubbish. We have also been looking into getting some extra CCTV to make the area a safer place for the community and shoppers. We're also pleased to say since taking a zero tolerance approach there has been a decrease in begging in the area.''

On a separate note, they wanted to point out another issue they've noticed.

''We're noticing that there is some fly tipping taking place at the charity clothing bins at the back of the car park. Fly tipping is an offence, so please book a visit to the three local recycling centres.''

You said, they did.

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