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Poppy's Fundraising Boosted By Bake Off's Nadiya Hussain

Poppy was diagnosed with stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma at just four years old. Her family are fundraising so that she can access potentially life-saving treatment options abroad.

In April 2020 Poppys little brother Oscar was born and around this time she started complaining of pain in her legs, was increasingly more tired and lethargic and gradually started eating less. She became clingy and depressed which the family put down to jealousy and confusion as she'd just become a big sister and the world was in lockdown due to a global pandemic.

As her leg pain got worse Poppys mum Claire eventually contacted the GP and had a telephone appointment due to Covid restrictions. A blood test was arranged at Bedford hospital in which an iron deficiency was confirmed. A few days later the family were told their GP wanted to see Poppy in person as he was concerned after reviewing her blood test results in more detail.

After checking her over, they were then sent to see a paediatrician at Bedford hospital straight away for more tests and scans. A chest x-ray finally revealed a large tumour at the back left-hand side of Poppy's chest cavity, wrapped around her heart and pushing against one of her lungs. We were told straight away it was cancer.

Since her diagnosis in July 2020, Poppy has endured 13 rounds of chemotherapy with side effects such as sickness and hair loss. The treatments have cleared a lot of the cancer cells but not enough to move onto the next stage yet. She is currently taking part in a clinical trial at UCLH and Southampton Hospital with the hope of clearing even more of the cancer cells. The radiation treatment she had at UCLH required her to be in an isolation room for 10 days with only minimal contact allowed with her parents.

If the trial is successful Poppy will still have surgery, high-dose chemotherapy with stem-cell rescue, radiotherapy and immunotherapy to complete her frontline treatment. She has had 1 of her ovaries removed and preserved for the future and a stem cell harvest for future use. She's had countless general anaesthetics, injections, bone marrow biopsies, CT scans and MIBG scans and relies on tube feeds as her main source of nutrition as her appetite has decreased and she often feels nauseous.

The most recent update is that there is cutting edge treatment available in the US but the costs involved amount to roughly £250,000.

So far, a staggering £220,000 has been donated and support is being shown by people from across the world.

On the supporters is none other than Bake Off Star and Milton Keynes resident Nadiya Hussain.

Since Nadiya shared the story with her fans on social media, over £40,000 of donations came flooding in.

On Facebook Nadiya said,

''A lovely little girl from Milton Keynes.. Poppy's cancer is stage 4 Neuroblastoma, which is a rare and very aggressive childhood cancer. Poppy has had 13 rounds of chemotherapy already, but sadly it has not been effective on her. She is now undergoing immunotherapy instead, but her parents have been told that the best option available to her is cutting-edge treatment in the US. The cost will be £200,000 for the treatment itself, but they have been told to aim to raise £250,000 as this would cover accommodation, flights etc. Friends and family have been fundraising for about 12 weeks by putting on local events, and have managed to get to £80,000 through the incredible generosity of local people in Milton Keynes who have attended them but obviously further funds are needed. You can read more on Poppy’s Just Giving page. Thanks so much.''

So, please if you can, make a donation to this very worthy cause.

Click Here to make a donation


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