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Popular Milton Keynes photography group tops 1,000 members in just two years

Gill Prince, a local photographer and photography tutor, confirms that her Facebook group ‘Photography in Milton Keynes’ now has over 1,000 members, making it the largest photography group operating in MK.

The group was set up in June 2019, after Gill realised that it would be good to have somewhere that local photography enthusiasts could meet each other, get location and equipment recommendations, ask for advice and arrange meet-ups with like-minded people. In a key difference from other similar groups, Photography in Milton Keynes is open to all levels and welcomes phone photographers equally, alongside those who are more experienced.

When launching the group Gill described her decision to set it up as follows:

“Since getting involved in the MK50 celebrations in 2017 - which led to me creating the Unexpected:MK photography book - it’s been lovely to see more and more people taking and sharing images of Milton Keynes. So I decided it was time to set up this group, for anyone who lives and/or works in MK and loves taking photographs of this fabulous place - whatever level they are at.”

Since Photography in Milton Keynes was launched, the world has also changed dramatically due to the Covid pandemic, but the group then took on a whole new purpose, as many MK residents found themselves going out for walks in Milton Keynes and looking for new places to visit - initially on foot and then by car. Gill continues:

Gill Prince

“The group grew significantly during the first lockdown, as people started to take more of an interest in photography, and in walking around MK more often than they previously had. Since then I have asked three brilliant Moderators to join me - Matt Goodrum, Gail Locke and Sarah Kay Hall - and they have been invaluable in helping us to maintain the same high standards of engagement that I originally aimed for, despite the group growing so much.

It’s great that Photography in Milton Keynes has become so successful – but in reality it’s all down to the members who really make it what it is – getting involved in our regular themes and competitions, supporting each other, and giving their time to answer questions and encourage each other. I owe them all a huge amount of thanks.”

The group also organises regular meet-ups, when permitted - with the most recent one earlier in June attracting 30 members, who were fortunate enough to experience the most amazing sunset across Willen Lake.

“Being able to meet up in person again has been brilliant”, explains Gill. “It was lovely to chat to so many members, and to hear feedback on how much they are enjoying the group and how it has inspired them to get out and take more photographs, both of Milton Keynes and beyond. I’m looking forward to seeing what we can achieve together over the next two years!”

If you live or work in Milton Keynes and would like to join the group, please visit and answer the three joining questions.


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