Liberal Democrat and Labour councillors voted for plans to help reduce the impact of fireworks on animals and vulnerable people, whilst the Conservative Group abstained on the vote.

Press Release sent in by Lib Dems
Liberal Democrat Councillor Uroy Clarke proposed the motion: “For a lot of people, organised and responsible firework displays are exciting and fun, but we cannot ignore that for our pets, wildlife and vulnerable residents they can sometimes be distressing.”
“We do not want to ban fireworks, but if we can in any way reduce the stress and suffering some animals and residents go through, I believe we should.”
The responsible Cabinet Member and Director will now promote an awareness campaign about the impact of fireworks on animals and vulnerable people, consider what steps can be taken to encourage public firework displays to be advertised in advance, and encourage local suppliers to stock ‘quieter’ fireworks.
The Chief Executive will also write to the Government, urging them to introduce legislation to limit the maximum noise level of fireworks.
Councillor Clarke concluded: “I’m proud that this Council has committed to take the steps to help protect animals and vulnerable residents.”