This Wednesday is No Smoking Day, and Progressive Alliance councillors are releasing new analysis by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) that shows the ‘devastating impact’ that smoking has on the community – all while encouraging residents to quit.

In Milton Keynes:
- Around 30,200 people smoke (approximately 15% of the population).
- The average smoker spends just under £2,000 a year on tobacco, a total of £58.75 million in the city as a whole.
- Smoking is estimated to kill 229 people in MK each year and accounts for 1,564 years of life lost annually.
- Two thirds of adult smokers started before they reached 18 years old.
Councillor Emily Darlington, Labour Progressive Alliance Cabinet Member for Healthy Communities, said:
“These hard-hitting statistics show that smoking addiction is a very real problem that impacts us all. Current smokers, on average, need social care support ten years earlier than non-smokers – and they account for around 8% of local authority spending on social care. Aside from costing the country billions each year, smoking pulls families apart and has a devastating impact on peoples’ lives, so please consider quitting today.”
Councillor Jane Carr, Lib Dem Progressive Alliance Cabinet Member for Tackling Inequalities, added:
“Rising inflation and the cost-of-living crisis will especially impact smokers and their families this year. Quitting smoking will not only save you thousands of pounds, but will improve your quality of life and overall health. It’s hard, but quitting is easier with a little help – and there’s plenty of that here in Milton Keynes.”
You can self-refer to the free NHS Stop Smoking Service by contacting them with the details below:
Call 0800 013 0553