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Road closure - A509 Warrington Road, Olney

Following an update from us earlier, the A509, between Osier Way and Warrington Farm will be closed for 3 weeks from Monday 15 November and is scheduled to be reopened on 4 December. The closure will be in place for 24 hours on both sides of the road.

Essential utilities works are taking place during this closure and to reduce further disruption to road users, our Streetworks team have coordinated with several companies to include works to be done under the one road closure. These works will include:

- Gas mains works

- Electrical works including 2 miles streetlighting cabling by Western Power Distribution

- Sewerage and drainage works by Anglian Water

- S278 developer works for a new junction, Redway and footway

The alternative route will be via A428 Bedford Road, A428 Northampton Road, A422 Newport Pagnell Road, Newport Road, A509, High Street and Wellingborough Road (and vice versa).

Details of the closure, the works involved and who is responsible for them, may be viewed here.

Signage will be in place to direct vehicles onto the diversion route.


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