You may have seen some people rollerskating around Stadium:MK recently.. well this explains all!

Cancer Research UK set a challenge to Wheel 100 Miles in May and a group of people from Milton Keynes decided to take on the challenge, head on!
The challenge could be completed either by bike, scooter, skateboard, roller skates or wheelchairs.
Nine skaters from the Milton Keynes area teamed up to raise money as the MK Stadium Skaters, to each skate a 100 miles. Most of these skaters were originally skaters (some ex-stewards) from the now closed Rollers in Bletchley so it was fitting to use Stadium:MK as the backdrop for the challenge.
Since the Covid lockdown happened, Roller Skating has seen a massive rise in numbers due to it’s outside exercise nature but the challenge has been tough going at times for the skaters, battling the some extreme weather, especially the wind that whips round the stadium walls.
So far the team has raised almost £3,000, with some even going over the 100 mile mark.
There are a few skaters still to reach their 100 mile target but the challenge is still on.
If you would like to donate towards Cancer Research on behalf of MK Stadium Skaters, please click here and click on any of the skaters you wish like to sponsor.