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School in Milton Keynes has closed year groups due to cases of Indian Covid Variant

The strain known as B1617.2 has been found in Buckingham, Bedford, Aylesbury and South Northamptonshire. It has now been confirmed that pupils of Radcliffe School are carrying the variant.

The strain has been nearing closer to Milton Keynes, after it was recorded in surrounding areas such as Buckingham, Bedford, Aylesbury, and South Northamptonshire.

Head Teacher, Paula Lawson, from The Radcliffe School in Wolverton, took to social media to give an update on the current situation they are facing.

''Following on from yesterday’s communication, I wanted to give you an update on the mask policy. I am sure you will have seen the announcement on Monday, this week, regarding the easing of restrictions proposed from Monday 17th May, particularly the announcement regarding mask wearing in school. Unfortunately, any changes to the mask wearing policy could only be made if the number of cases allowed.

Yesterday, Public Health England informed us that, due to the number of recent cases we have had in school, we will need to maintain our current mask policy. This will mean all students and staff will need to continue to wear masks at all times during the school day, other than when they are eating or drinking. PHE will be regularly reviewing this situation and I will keep you informed of any changes.

I know these recent events will feel quite disturbing, but can I reassure parents we are still maintaining our stringent hygiene practices with cleaning of desks, washing or sanitising hands when changing classrooms, one-way systems around the school, separate areas at lunchtimes for our bubbles, staggered starts and finishes, alongside additional contract cleaning of high contact surfaces throughout the day.

As you would expect, we are working closely with PHE and continue to follow all advice and guidance.

Can I also take this opportunity to remind parents of our Year 9 students, to please fill in and return the consent form and thank you to those who already have.

Kind regards

Paula Lawson Head Teacher''


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