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The Hub Milton Keynes Proposed New Look! Have Your Say..

Exciting plans have been announced for the refurbishment of Mortimer Square at The Hub.

The square was built over 15 years ago and is an important public space in Central Milton Keynes but it is now in need of refurbishment to create a more usable and attractive public space.

The proposals include:

  • Create a more coordinated restaurant terrace outdoor environment including glazed retractable panels

  • A new fountain and central space able to be enjoyed all year round

  • New lighting scheme to give a stronger sense of arrival and departure

  • More seating opportunities

  • Introduction of more vegetation and landscaping to soften the area

  • Shelter creation to mitigate the impact of the wind

The proposals will now go into the planning stage, with a view to a phased construction starting in early 2022.

If you have any comments you wish to make on the proposals, please email us at We would be grateful if any views you have are submitted by 23 December 2021.

Following consideration of feedback and any changes to the design, planning approval will be sought from Milton Keynes Council. If agreed, construction would be phased but could begin early in 2022 starting with the outdoor eating areas. It is hoped that those units facing the square could be complete by the spring.

The final design and detail of the central fountain and landscaping is likely to follow but it is hoped all works will complete by the end of 2022.

Construction best practice will be followed to restrict hours of working to normal office hours. There may be some temporary fencing erected for safety but access will be maintained.


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