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Wavendon Parish Council updates its Climate Action Policy

Wavendon Parish Council has voted at its October meeting to update the councils Climate Action Strategy adopting a series of policies and procedures that further its credentials in tackling in any way it can the negative impacts of climate emergency at a truly local level.

Proposed by Parish Council Chairman Cllr David Hopkins and seconded by Vice Chairman Cllr Marlese Levermore, the policy also sets out the theme of local responses to planning issues that so dominate the agenda at Parish Council meetings, in particular

• Protecting the most vulnerable in our community from the effects of climate change.

• Ensuring in our responses to major planning applications that new builds in Wavendon are well insulated to the highest industry standards and have eco-aware fittings.

• Campaign for the increase in and improvement of public transportation provisions.

• Examining how we can best enable and support the use of renewable energy.

• Promoting sustainable consumption in order to target becoming a zero-waste area.

• Ensuring everyone has access to public green spaces.

Essentially, the goal of this simple plan is to ensure that climate and nature restoration goals are front and centre in all decision-making and investments’.

Cllr Hopkins comments, ‘It seems sometimes that with other issues locally and nationally coming to the fore that our eye has been taken off the ball when dealing with the climate emergency. However, the emergency has not gone away and we on WPC are committed to addressing locally climate action in achievable and realistic ways’


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