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29 yo sentenced for possession with intent to supply drugs – Milton Keynes

Following a Thames Valley Police investigation, a man has been jailed for possession with the intent to supply drugs in Milton Keynes.

Kie Lalande, aged 29, of Candlewicks, Walnut Tree, pleaded guilty to possession with the intent to supply cannabis on Tuesday (04/06).

Lalande was sentenced to 14 months in jail, suspended for two years, 250 hours of unpaid work and 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days at Aylesbury Crown Court.

His cash was forfeited and drugs, phone and paraphernalia were forfeited and destructed.

On Thursday 18 January, Lalande was found in possession of 5965g of cannabis, cash and a mobile phone.

Further cannabis, phones and a notebook containing names and amounts were recovered from his home address.

Investigating officer Chloe Ross, based at Milton Keynes Police Station, said: “Drug supply in Milton Keynes is taken seriously, we will do all that we can to pursue, arrest and convict the persons involved.

“They target the vulnerable members of the community and we will stop at nothing to ensure their criminality is stopped.

 “If you suspect drug dealing in your community, contact us by calling 101 or leaving any information you have via our website.”


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