MK Council are failing to meet over 50% of their performance targets.
The Labour-Liberal Democrat controlled Council’s latest published performance review shows a “significant proportion” of performance indicators are noted as underperforming.
The performance targets that the Council have failed to meet include hot topics such as reducing fly-tipping and the Council’s promise to deliver 1200 council homes by 2030.
In March, MK saw its highest fly-tipping figures for the year with 619 reports and across the 12-month period, MK Council recorded 5819 reports of fly-tipping, 819 more than the Council had targeted.
Council-house building also failed to reach its target. Despite forecasting 24 council homes to be delivered in 2020/21, the Council failed to build a single one.
MK Council’s Head of Performance and Information, Lisa Beckett, said at the meeting:
“It should be noted that 50% of the indicators are underperforming, that’s a significant proportion.”
Cllr Alice Jenkins, Chair of Scrutiny Management Committee, stated that this is not something “the Council should be proud of and it is deeply concerning.”
She added: “The Council’s record on delivering on the real problems facing people of MK is troubling. Not only have they failed to meet over 50% of their own targets, but they have also allowed fly-tipping to spiral out of control and couldn’t deliver a single council house across the entire year.”