MK Council has launched a new accreditation scheme for landlords to improve standards and deliver better homes for tenants.

Landlords signing up to scheme will receive 12 months free membership of the National Residential Landlord Association (NRLA) which gives them access to high quality training and good deals on insurance and other products.
With over 90,000 members, the NRLA represents the interests of landlords in the private rented sector across England and Wales. Membership includes day-to-day support, expert advice, access to template documents, webinars and other support. Landlords interested in joining the scheme can come along to an online event by clicking here.
The Council is committed to improving housing conditions for private tenants and wants to work with homeowners to help them become better landlords.
Cabinet Member for Adults, Housing and Healthy Communities, Cllr Emily Darlington said: “This accreditation scheme will help landlords better understand their role and responsibilities. Every family deserves to live in a warm, safe and decent home that meets all the necessary standards.
“Our partnership with NRLA will give landlords added support to ensure they’re complying with the guidelines so they can provide better homes for their tenants.”