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Council’s Homecare service praised for responsive care

Following an inspection by Government watchdog the Care Quality Commission (CQC), a Homecare service run by Milton Keynes Council has been praised for its ‘exceptionally responsive’ team.

The MK Care and Response team provide support to adults with a wide variety of complex needs. This includes people with physical disabilities, older adults with mobility issues, people who have been diagnosed with dementia and those with long-term health conditions. They currently provide more than 1,100 hours of dedicated care each week to the people they care for. The team works 24 hours a day, all year round to help people live in their own homes or within specialist housing.

Inspectors visited in March and spoke with residents who use the service, as well as their relatives, managers, and staff, to talk about their experiences. In its subsequent report, the CQC rated the homecare service as ‘Good’ overall and ‘Outstanding’ when it comes to responsiveness. The report recognised an effective and well-managed service that goes above and beyond to help people maintain their independence.

Staff were commended for quickly responding to the changing needs of those they help. The specialist care for those living with dementia was described as ‘proactive’ and seven of the senior staff have achieved advanced dementia training qualifications.

“We’re really proud of our team and their dedicated approach to providing the best support for residents. Helping people of all ages to maintain their independence is incredibly rewarding.” - Andy Woodall-Buchanan, Service Manager for Homecare (MKC)

“Our in-house home care team is one of the best in the country. This dedicated service is a lifeline for many people with complex needs. I’ve seen first-hand how they work with families to ensure that care is tailored for each individual. With an aging population, their specialist knowledge and understanding of dementia is incredibly valuable.” - Councillor Emily Darlington, Cabinet Member for Adults, Housing and Healthy Communities


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