Cllr David Hopkins, ward member for Danesborough and Walton, has requested an independent investigation into the impact and long-term implications of construction dust on residents’ health, as part of the Conservative Group’s budget amendments at Full Council this evening.

This amendment to the MK City Council budget follows up a member’s item first brought forward back in November 2023, which was rejected and withdrawn by the Labour Administration before it could be debated.
Milton Keynes has endured continual development pressures in recent years. Cllr Hopkins receives
ongoing correspondence from residents across the city, speaking of how the negative impact
construction activity has apparently had on the health of many residents. In particular, the concerns
of residents focus primarily on the generation of noise and air pollution from construction sites.
The purpose of the proposed environmental report from an independent consultant(s) would be to
provide an evaluation of the cumulative impact of development on health outcomes and a better
understanding of the impacts of construction activity on local residents.
It would also give recognition that this is potentially a serious health and well-being issue and one that
should be at the forefront of developing policy and practices to address the health impacts of
development, including through the establishment of the Development Coordination Team as part of
the Plan MK:2050 process.
What is becoming clear already through Cllr Hopkin’s discussions with local residents is that the
cumulative impact of construction can, in some cases, have large impact on health, often beyond that
identified in existing Health Impact Assessments and mitigation measures required as planning
deliverables in current policies.
This report would look to provide evidence of these impacts through data and through the experiences
shared by developers and residents. In addition, a number of recommended measures and lessons
would be drawn from these experiences that are proposed for consideration as part of upcoming
construction policy.
Cllr Hopkins comments
‘This budget amendment to Council should not be considered in any way contentious. It simply asks
that an important question of concern to numerous families across MK be investigated and responses
prepared that make MK a safer place that would be environmentally sound for generations to come’.
I am calling for this work not only as a city councillor but as a parent, grandparent and lifelong MK
resident looking to ensure that the future MK is both safe and fit for purpose for today’s generations
and for generations to come’.