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Kingsmead Residents and Local Cllrs continue theirCampaign to stop controversial Shenley Park Dev

Local Councillors Manish Verma and Shazna Muzammil, alongside several of their residents,

spoke at yesterday’s MKCC Planning Committee to successfully urge the Committee to vote

in support of the Council’s objection to Buckinghamshire Council’s Shenley Park Development outline planning application.

The Committee confirmed Milton Keynes City Council’s objection to the application for the

controversial Crest Nicholson development of Shenley Park. The objections, detailed in the

response published by MKCC, included highways and traffic objections, urban design and

landscaping objections amongst others.

This decision enhances and fully supports the campaign by residents and Tattenhoe Ward

Councillors to stop the Shenley Park development and the consequent extension of Childs

Way, the H6, which would be built over the much-loved and widely used Kingsmead Green.

Cllr Verma and Muzammil added: “This development will have a significant impact on lives of

Kingsmead and Oxley Park residents, yesterday’s decision from MKCC Planning Committee is

welcome and we urge Buckinghamshire Council to take the feedback from our residents and

MKCC officers seriously, especially the clear need for Bucks, alongside MKCC, to undertake a

further, more robust, traffic assessment. We wish to thank our residents for their excellent

contributions last night and their continued support and engagement in this lengthy process.

We will continue our campaign to put existing residents first and save Kingsmead Green”.

Catherine Jeffreys, resident of Kingsmead, said: We were pleased with the objections to the

application from the planning committee and now want them to make a decision taking into

consideration all that residents have raised. Kingsmead Green has been widely used for 20

years and is a much loved, valuable open space for residents. Allowing a road through

Kingsmead Green would radically change the character of the area and cause significant

harm to residents, which is contrary to planning policy. We ask the Council and the Planning

Committee to listen to residents’ concerns and support us.


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