Milton Keynes University Hospital (MKUH) has reintroduced mandatory wearing of face masks in all clinical areas from today (Monday 19 December). This applies to staff and visitors.

In light of the rising number of flu, respiratory syncytial viruses (RSV) and Covid cases across our communities, we are asking all staff, and visitors to wear a face mask in any areas where clinical care is provided – this includes the Emergency Department, inpatient wards and clinical rooms in our hospital.
The mandatory wearing of face masks applies only in environments where clinical care is provided. In corridors and common areas, such as in our restaurants or shops, staff and visitors are not required to wear a mask, although it is encouraged wherever possible. It will not be a requirement for patients in our wards to wear a face mask.
We understand the negative impact that the wearing of masks has, especially on the communication between staff and patients, however it is an important measure in protecting our staff, our families and our patients.
We also recognise that for some people, wearing a face covering may be difficult due to physical or mental health conditions, and these people will remain exempt.
If you have a hearing impairment, our staff have a range of communication options to ensure that they can communicate effectively with you. This might include visual aids such as writing things down, speech to text apps and sign language.
As well as the wearing of masks from Monday 19th, we ask that all visitors to the site continue to follow hand hygiene measures and that you do not visit if you are unwell. If you are beginning to feel poorly, please contact your local pharmacist or GP for support in the first instance.
We will continue to review these restrictions and provide further updates over the coming weeks.