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Restart grants planned for MK businesses

Milton Keynes Council is reminding local businesses who have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic that the deadline for current support grant applications is 31 March 2021.

Since the pandemic began, MK Council has paid nearly 15,000 grants totalling £77m to help MK businesses. Businesses yet to apply for support should do so immediately, visiting for links to the application pages.

Applications for new funding schemes called ‘restart grants’ can be made from 1 April.

The Council is awaiting guidance from government on the national restart scheme which would provide up to £18,000 per business to help them with reopening costs.

In the meantime, it has developed proposals for sharing additional discretionary funding with MK businesses. These proposals will be formally considered on 23 March and if approved the grants will also be available from 1 April.

The proposal includes providing support for:

  • MK businesses who are not eligible for a grant under the government’s restart grant scheme – a payment of up to £10,000 for businesses who have had to close and up to £4,000 for those who have remained open yet suffered financially

  • MK independently run businesses such as rural shops and public houses with no more than three outlets, who in addition can apply for up to £7,500 per property

Other conditions will apply and will be listed on the grant application page.


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