Milton Keynes City Council has set aside £40,000 per year so up to eight local schools can be supported to employ their own School Crossing Patroller (lollipop person) to help provide a safe crossing place for pupils.

Historically, the city council would recruit up to seven crossing patrollers directly, however these were permanently attached to the school, and did not allow for changes in the local area.
All local authority schools may apply to the fund for up to a maximum grant of £5,000 which they will receive for three years. In addition, training and uniforms will be provided by the city council, and schools provided with funding will also be granted permission to temporarily close a road to traffic.
All applications will be assessed and scored based on a set of criteria including the location, existing safety issues and number of pupils that will benefit. It includes primary, nursery, and secondary schools.
Consideration will also be given to schools that are proactive with road safety education and a commitment to encouraging sustainable travel options to and from school.
Schools should submit their application form for consideration by Monday 19 February.
Successful schools will be notified quickly, and the grants will be issued before the end of March.
All the details including an application form will be circulated to all MK schools.
After three years, the application process begins again, and all MK schools may apply.
“We’ve set up this new grant system because we wanted to work with as many schools as possible and provide help where it’s needed most. We also wanted to remain flexible, for instance we might introduce a pedestrian crossing in an area, which would lessen the need for a crossing patroller for that particular school.”
“Schools have a unique place in the local area and many crossing patrollers already have a link to the school or live in the local community, so schools are in the best position to recruit.”
- Councillor Jenny Marklew-Wilson, Cabinet Member for the Public Realm