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The Londog Mutt-athon – Until December 2021 for Willen Hospice

Are you bored of walking the same old route? Fetching a ball in the same old field? Cocking a leg at the same lamp post again and again? Well, we’ve got just the thing for you!

Calling all furry friends!

Put the excitement back into you and your human’s daily walks with the virtual Londog Mutt-athon Challenge – plus you’ll be supporting your local Hospice at the same time!

The challenge is simple. Each time your human takes you out for a walk, you’ll complete part of the Virgin London Marathon route!

When you reach a milestone – like the Isle of Dogs – your owner will receive an email celebrating the milestone, with information about the location and an interesting doggy fact.

Why take part?

- Be motivated to add a bit extra on to your walks to reach each milestone

- Find out more about London’s landmarks

- Have fun! Team up with a walking buddy and their human

- Help raise vital funds for Willen Hospice

After you’ve signed up, the first thing you need to do is set up your own fundraising page!

It’s like Instagram for dogs but on a fundraising page instead. Here’s an example…

“Hi I’m Bruno! I’m a Lab x Staffy and I’m doing the virtual Londog Mutt-athon for Willen Hospice.

I’m known more for my marathon snoozes than my marathon walks, so you’ll know how much of a challenge this will be for me. Please dig deep into those treat bags and sponsor me for a great cause!

Plus my human has promised me a belly rub at each milestone.”

You and your human have until the end of December to complete this challenge, so you can do it at your own pace, in your own time.

Once completed you’ll receive a special Virtual Fundraising medal AND if you raise over £400 you’ll receive a Fundraising Hero medal as part of our 40th Anniversary celebrations.

To Register, Click here!


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