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The Parks Trust appoints new chair and trustees to their board

The Parks Trust appoints new chair to their board, voted in at their AGM on the 29th of November, Nick Lloyd will be taking on this position.

Nick has served as Vice-Chair since 2020 and has been on the board for 5 years, offering expert advice and guidance. Nick is currently Chair at EMW Law in Milton Keynes. He has worked in Milton Keynes for more than two decades and thinks that its parks are an intrinsic part of Milton Keynes, contributing in a hugely positive manner to life in the city.

Nick Lloyd Chair of The Parks Trust said “It is somewhat daunting to take on this role over such a brilliant organisation with such a wide remit – from management of the parks to education to maintaining heritage sites to protecting wildlife and biodiversity to public art to flood defences (I could go on).  My job will be made much easier for all the brilliant employees, volunteers, suppliers, contractors, partner organisations (such as MK City Council) that the Trust has – and my fellow trustees of course. We are all very proud of what the Trust is and does – and very determined to make it even better.

The Parks Trust are also pleased to welcome five new trustees to their board: Rupa Green, Joe Kingston, Martina Gorla, Carla Veletrop-Martin and Graham Webster. Each individual brings with them a wealth of knowledge and experience which the Trust were looking for to strengthen their board.

Rupa Green:  Rupa is a senior marketing professional specialising in digital marketing within the Financial Services sector. Rupa is a strong believer in diversity and inclusion (D&I). Rupa co-leads the Ethnicity Affinity Group for Vanquis Banking Group as well as being an ally for other D&I groups including Gender Balance, LGBTQ+ and Social Mobility.

Joe Kingston: Joe has lived in Milton Keynes all his life and his family have farmed in Hanslope for a considerable time. Joe works as the Assistant Director of Parks and Cleansing at City of London. He has a decade’s experience in the resource efficiency and sustainability sector, working in the areas of procurement, communications, waste prevention, street cleansing, service and strategy development.

Martina Gorla: Martina works as Woodland Officer for the Forestry Commission which is the government’s body responsible for the regulations of both public and private forestry in England. Martina has expertise in woodland management and creation, laws and regulations in woodland-related matters.

Carla Veletrop-Martin: Carla has worked for English Heritage since 2019 and in May 2023 was appointed Programme Manager (Heritage Data) for Historic England. Carla has been responsible for visitor experience and has participated in the planning and delivery of various projects including audio guide interpretation, events, filming, and weddings.

Graham Webster: Graham relocated to Milton Keynes in 1985 following his Physics degree in Manchester and has lived in the area ever since. Graham has worked in IT development within Retail Banking, latterly at Santander where he was Products and Services Director. Over the years Graham and his family have made extensive use of the parks and he believes in the ongoing need to maintain our green spaces and public facilities for the future.

The Parks Trust also wanted to say farewell to Zoe Raven their current Chair who will be stepping down from this role and leaving the board after 10 years' service. Victoria Miles, Chief Executive of The Parks Trust said ‘Over the last decade Zoe has helped govern and guide our work in an objective, inspiring and selfless way that’s helped the charity navigate through growth and a global pandemic. Our deepest gratitude goes to Zoe who can retire from the board of trustees knowing she’s left an incredible legacy for the people of Milton Keynes’. 

Find out more about The Parks Trust’s trustees.


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